Βιβλιογραφία Αιγυπτιολογίας
Found 1116 results
. 1993.
. 1993.
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. 1992.
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Excavations Between Abu Simbel And The Sudan Frontier, Part 6: New Kingdom Remains From Cemeteries R, V, S, And W At Qustul And Cemetery K At Adindan.. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. http://oi.uchicago.edu/research/pubs/catalog/oine/oine6.html.
. 1992. . 1992.
. 1992.
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. 1992.
Masking The Blow: The Scene Of Representation In Late Prehistoric Egyptian Art. University of Califiornai Press. http://ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/ft7j49p1sp/.
. 1992. . 1992.
. 1992.
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. 1991.
. 1991.