Βιβλιογραφία Αιγυπτιολογίας
Found 1116 results
. 2009.
The Gazelle In Ancient Egyptian Art: Image And Meaning. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Egyptology. http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?searchId=2&pid=diva2:232265.
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Nouveaux Fragments Des Annales De Thoutmosis Iii À Karnak. http://www.academia.edu/4175525/Nouveaux_fragments_des_Annales_de_Thoutmosis_III_%C3%A0_Karnak_In_R%C3%96SSLER-K%C3%96HLER_U_TAWFIK_T_%C3%89D._Die_ihr_vorbeigehen_werdet_.._Wenn_Gr%C3%A4ber_Tempel_und_Statuen_sprechen._Gedenkschrift_f%C3%BCr_Prof._Dr._Sa.
. 2009. . 2009.
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The Provenance Of Egyptian Documents From The 8Th Century Bc Till The 8Th Century Ad Version 1.0 (August 2009). Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP). http://www.trismegistos.org/dl.php?id=7.
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Rural Settlements Of The Oxyrynchite Nome. A Papyrological Survey, Version 1.0 (August 2009). Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP). http://www.trismegistos.org/dl.php?id=8.
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. 2008. Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP).
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